Master's module International Peacebuilding and Conflict Transition

Master's module International Peacebuilding and Conflict Transition

In this module you will learn when which kind of peace is possible, which role local circumstances play for conflicts and why these are sometimes aggravated by external interventions. You'll learn how you can help make peace happen. The module prepares you to work in an international context, e.g. international organizations and (I)NGOs.


You will be introduced to 

  • Peacebuilding and conflict theories,
  • relevant legal principles,
  • international institutions and frameworks of international engagement for security and peace,
  • Peacemaking, peacekeeping and peacebuilding.

You will study in depth

  • human rights and international humanitarian law,
  • the basic elements of peace processes,
  • informal peace actors and pragmatic approaches to armed violence.

In a practice part you will work in a team on solutions and get to know the daily work of (inter-)national organizations in an excursion.

Further Information

Course Syllabus

Submodules and exams


A1 Introduction to Peacebuilding

A2 Law of International Intervention

B1 International Humanitarian Law and Human Rigthes in Armed Conflict

B2 Legal Conflict Management

B3 Peace processes in Fragile Contexts

C1 Conclict Mediation

C2 Peacebuilding in the Field

C3 Excursion to International Organizations in Vienna



Start date End date Start time End time Target Audience Meetings Code Price
01.01.197001.01.197000:0000:00 -A

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